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Hiljutised diabeedihoolduse edusammud

Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone. DSpace Home; Dissertatsioonid 2004 – Theses, MSc, PhD (ETD) 1. TÜ väitekirjad alates 2004 - Theses.In the present study, we have sought to determine the existing Knowledge, attitude practice and impact of a structured health education intervention regarding diabetes in adults in Sikkim. This was an experimental study of non-randomised trial done at the Central Referral Hospital of SMIMS, Sikkim.

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Summer Spiritual Gala 2018 Scholar: Salama Yasmeen Najmi Topic: Dr. Iqbal s Philosophy of Khudi I (Part 1) #SummerSpiritualGala #SSG #Summer_Spiritual_Gala.Süüri kurdienamusega vägede hiljutised edusammud on kahandanud iS-i territooriumi märkimisväärselt ning džihadistide valduses oleva maa-ala suurus on vähem kui üks protsent selle algsest ulatusest, teatas koalitsiooni asekomandör kindralmajor Christopher Ghika.

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UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA SRI LANKA PROCEEDINGS PERADENIYA UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SESSIONS (iPURSE 2016) VOLUME 20 iPURSE 4th and 5th November 2016 Hosted by the Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya.Healthcare use and expenditure for diabetes in Bangladesh Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam,1,2,3 Andreas Lechner,4,5,6 Uta Ferrari,4 Michael Laxy,5,6 Jochen Seissler,4 Jonathan Brown,7 Louis W Niessen,8.

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